Bedroom Assignments One February 8, 2025

22 pages, Color, US$10.99
Age Regression, Age Progression
Artwork by Yuan

A fun Age Regression and Age Progression comic featuring the Wrong Sister characters!

Story Summary: Sparks fly when the girls are forced to share a bedrooms. Older sister Amy regresses as she shares a room with her little brother, while Kelly grows and grows. Lots of transformations as their bodies adjust to their new situation.

Note: This is Part One of a Multi Part Series.

Sample illustrations

Regular Edition for US$ 10.99

Artist’s Edition for US$ 12.99
This Artist’s Edition  includes (1) 22 pages of original sketch drawings plus (2) 22 pages of uncolored inked drawings that show the amazing detail of the original art. Get 66 total pages of great art! 

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3 thoughts on “Bedroom Assignments One

  1. Chris

    Really a great chapter. I hope Kelly gets a lot bigger as she gets turned on of seeing Amy get smaller and smaller. Pls let Kelly outgrow amys old clothes and let her get bigger than mum.

  2. FFlow95

    at first i didn´t like it, but after reading it again, this new concept, that people and enviroment influence the growth, looks interesting. It would be great if amy notes this concept and tries to get advantage of this, putting billy and some of his friends in charge of kelly. but it backfires as being around kelly makes them to grow and grow, leaving amy as the only kid in the family and under the supervision of new hunk billy and his grown ups friends. and maybe seeing people grow turns on mom like a parallel situation To kelly and shrinking

  3. growinggirlmaker

    Good story. I hope Kelly grows and ages until she’s a huge, 7 foot tall, gorgeous buxom Amazon who’s 20 years old physically-and Amy shrinks until she’s about 5 or 6 years old physically. More then that, I want to see the “Regressing To The Mean” effect come seriously into play here, where Kelly-who you could mention was already mature for her age, begins to act literally her age while Amy begins to regress emotionally in her frustration. Kelly-always a kind hearted girl and now an equally kind hearted young adult-begins to look after and care for Amy, talking to Mom (who’s amazed that she’s now fully head and shoulders shorter then Kelly) about finding a cure for what’s happened to Amy. “I-if I have to go back to being a little girl so Amy can be herself again, then that’s what has to happen.” Incredibly proud of Kelly’s selflessness for her sister, she begins to follow up Kelly’s online “research” about such age/growth transformations and finds the doctor who wrote the original paper on the RTTM effect. The family goes to him to find out what they can do. I’ll leave it to you to take it from there. That’s free on me.


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