28 pages, Color, US$7.99
Two guys use a shrinking ray to crash a girls’ sleepover party.
28 pages, Color, US$7.99
Two guys use a shrinking ray to crash a girls’ sleepover party.
34 pages, B&W, US$7.99
Little Jenny turns into a tall sexy bombshell for Christmas.
30 pages, Color, US$7.99
More growing Suzy and shrinking Frank.
30 pages, Color, US$7.99
Frank shrinks while Suzy just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
30 pages, Color, US$7.99
Marilyn shrinks Suzy & Frank and sells them to London socialites.
21 pages, Color, US$6.99
Marilyn goes from a minute spec to a rampaging giantess.
19 pages, Color, US$4.99
Suzy, Frank and Marilyn change places and sizes.
30ページ カラー ¥800
魅力満載 巨女コミックの決定版。
28ページ カラー ¥800
アートワーク:Scott Jones
82ページ B&W ¥999
大きな女, 縮小女性 コミック
Here’s a wonderful couple of pages of “The Prize” by the great Shrinking Women artist Catster!