22 pages, Color, $10.99
Kelly becomes Amy’s mother!
22 pages, Color, $10.99
Kelly becomes Amy’s mother!
22 pages, Color, $10.99
Amy regresses as she shares a room with her little brother!
21 pages, Color, $11.99
Ashley learns what it’s like to get fat!
21 pages, Color, $11.99
Ashley gets babysat by her little sister Emma!
26 pages, Color, $11.99
Ashley tries a slimming ray – but the results are not what she expected!
22 pages, Color, $10.99
Kelly’s humiliation continues!
19 pages, Color, $10.99
Kally shrinks and Amy grows!
27 pages, Color, $10.99
Kelly is too sexy! Amy’s too little!
87 pages, Color, $39.99
A great Yard Work GTS, SW and AR series for a special price!
15 pages, Color, $9.99
Auntie Jean gets zapped by Mandy!
16 pages, Color, $9.99
Great Shrinking Women and AR scenes!
19 pages, Color, $9.99
Little Emily gets a big dose of Super-Gro!
23 pages, Color, $10.99
Luke and the gang check into a resort hotel in Hawaii.
27 pages, Color, $10.99
Lots of AP and AR as Kelly develops her pheromones!
23 pages, Color, $9.99
As Kelly’s pheromones shrink Amy, how can she fight back?
21 pages, Color, $9.99
Kelly grow to a sexy teen, leaving her big sister behind!
21 pages, B&W, $9.99
Sally grows from a little child to a towering sexy goddess.
21 pages, B&W, $9.99
Kaitlin and Emma have to look and act as young as possible to win the Age Contest.
21 pages, B&W, $9.99
Little Kaitlin and Emma compete with tall sexy women to see who looks the most different from their age.
21 pages, Color, $9.99
Lots of female growth, AP and AR plus mini-GTS in this fun sequel!
21 pages, Color, $9.99
Kaitlin and Emma are college grads, but look twelve years old.
98 pages, Color, $29.99
Get the last two Crybaby comics for a special price!
33 pages, B&W and Color, $9.99
A fun collection of Male Age Regression comics from the master AR artist Bojay.
98 pages, Color, $29.99
Lots of great Bojay and Yuan art in this updated version of the classic AR story!
38 pages, Color and B&W, $11.99
Lois has an amazing adventure in Lana’s womb!
38 pages, Color and B&W, $11.99
More adventures with baby Lois!
32 pages, Color and B&W, $10.99
Baby Lois is at Lana’s mercy as her sexy rival puts the moves on Superman.
32 pages, Color and B&W, $10.99
A humiliated Lois performs a Hula Dance with her sexy rival Lana.
32 pages, Color and B&W, $10.99
Lois slowly shrinks to a little girl while her sexy rival Lana puts the moves on Superman.
89 pages, Color, $26.99
Sexy Emily turns the table on her shrunken older sister Angela. Get all three Falling Leaves comics for a special price!
78 pages, B&W, $20.99
Get both Cathy Nogrow comics for a special price!
40 pages, B&W, $11.99
Cathy becomes the life of the party as she challenges sexy Marcie to a dance contest!
38 pages, B&W, $11.99
Cathy Nogrow is the tallest girl in First Grade, and the shortest kid in High School.
30 pages, Color, $9.99
Sexy Emily turns the table on her shrunken older sister Angela!
30 pages, Color, $9.99
Sexy Emily turns the table on her shrunken older sister Angela!
30 pages, Color, $9.99
Weed Shrinker turns Angela into an innocent little girl!
96 pages, B&W, $27.99
Get all three issues of Baby Babysitter for a special price!
29 pages, B&W, $9.99
The big Age Regression and Age Progression finale of Bojay’s classic comic!
28 pages, B&W, $9.99
While babysitter Ava is shrunk to a little girl, Emily grows to a sexy adult.
39 pages, B&W, $10.99
Ava’s nieces rebel against their shrunken babysitter.
51 pages, Color, $19.99
Mom regresses from a sexy woman to a helpless little girl –while daughter moves in on her boyfriend.
76 pages, Color, $19.99
With Mom shrunk to a little girl, Serena dresses up as her Mom to fool Martin.
78 pages, Color, $19.99
Jackie’s big trick backfires, making her regress to a child.
25 pages, Color, $9.99
The showdown between Serena and her slowly shrinking Mom!
26 pages, Color, $9.99
Features a great Mother / Daughter Age Regression sequence!
38 pages, Color, $11.99
Serena dresses up as her Mom to fool Martin
38 pages, Color, $11.99
A Mother / Daughter love triangle with Mind Control, Age Regression and more!
31 pages, B&W, $8.99
Roger becomes a baby to join a unique Maternity Ward
38 pages, Color, US$7.99
A remote lake makes little girls big and big girls very small.
41 pages, Color, $11.99
Serena finally turnes the tables on little Jackie!