Jackie doesn’t realize Serena is standing right behind her
41 pages, Color, US$11.99
Age Regression, Age Progression
Artwork by Yuan
The fun conclusion to a classic Female AR / AP comic! Features great art by the Yard Work artist Yuan.
Story Summary: With Jackie shrunk to a little girl, her sister Serena finally gets to turn the tables on her. Serena uses her own tricks to humiliate her once-dominant sister – but does she go too far?
This comic is the second part of a Two Part series.
Regular Edition for US$ 11.99
Artist’s Edition for US$ 13.99
This Artist’s Edition includes (1) 41 pages of original sketch drawings plus (2) 41 pages of uncolored inked drawings that show the amazing detail of the original art. Get 123 total pages of great art!
Feeling like it’s a little misleading, there really isn’t anymore age progression in this one. Other than that, was some good humiliation scenes
I can’t say I enjoyed this. This is the first time that I am aware of that a multi-part AR/AP DT comic featured no changes after the first part. This part is all about the aftermath and role reversal which, considering how neither sister was particularly developed before the changes, didn’t really work for me.
That said, the art was excellent, perhaps the best yet.
I’m with you on this, really disappointing overall but more so on how neither of the sisters was developed much with their curves… I consider Flu Shots miles better even though the final chapter had worse art than how it started it was still better overall in terms of process and the sister starting really developed but gradually loses her curves.
Sorry you were disappointed. It’s hard to balance the transformation and the plot. I was trying to highlight the humiliation aspect in this chapter, which I think was achieved.
i liked this a lot, please do more like these(Little joker part 1 and 2)
I love it!. Because there are focus in principal characters than the second. Like the mom.
Thank you!
I wish that they had changed a bit more. That being said love the artwork.
As usual love your stories.
Hoping for the next yard work to feature Amy and her growth spurts in school, in the pool, in the mall, everywhere see her struggle. Maybe because she hasnt changed sizes as the mom she might shrink almost to micro and then to macro or mega… Wishfull thinking…
Keep up the amazing work
I would just love to see a normal shrinking comic in this art style with a dad who has a wife and 2 daughters (maybe 21 and 15) and the struggles he goes through with his family as he slowly gets smaller. I think that would be great. Just a thought.
I agree! There is a comic in development with a very similar story line.
Awesome! Any idea on a timescale at this point?
Maybe early next year?
how about while dad shrink ,wife slowly grows to busty mini giantess 😉
cool idea !
It seems many of your readers want your characters to be developed beforehand and while I don’t agree 100%, I see their point. Little joker part 1 gave me an idea however one that I think you’ll like. When Serena is having her second dream sequence and jacki asks the fairies to reward her as well Serena tells the fairies Jackie has been immature and so they make her more physically immature. What if u made a comic about 2 sisters where their actions influence their transformations? For instance they could be high schoolers 1 bitchy and 1 kind. The fairies see how the kind one is treating others better yet is noticeably less physically mature than her sister so they flip their physiques on them. The sisters learn of what is happening and they rush to be as kind as possible but one finds it harder than the other. And the story follows suit.
Thanks, nice concept! I’m actually working on a story that features a variation of that idea.
I second that idea!
Awesome second part and I’m really sad to see it end. I was hoping to see Jackie find a way to grow up so she can continue to mess with Selena’s new adult life, possibly stealing a boyfriend or mistakingly regressing their mother. And speaking of mothers, two of the best looking moms in any of your comics so far!
Well done!
Thanks! I really like this Mom too, and am planning another comic starring her.
Make both Moms mini giantess size , the mini giantess size Mom is the perfect Moms for tiny kids, thanks!
I agree too .
That’s great , I wish to see her as a mini giantess too.
I was hoping this one would lead to her in diapers..
I feel like we haven’t heard from Frank or Suzy (and Marilyn) in a while will they be returning maybe along with the German tourists from Skyscraper Suzy 2?
I’d forgotten about those German ladies – nice thought!
Hey dreamtales I agree with tgtrinity I love the part2 of little joker but I was hoping you will consider of a continue situation of little joker. I want to see how will Selena’ s new adult life go and Jackie’s childhood go would please take under consideration.
I would like a story like “Alyssa, the Witch” where the witch starts not even aware of her own power at 1st and have it progress to the level of “superchick” as she gains power over everyone around her. Personally I’d like Mandy in this role but hey just an idea.
That’s so funny, I’m working on a story with just that theme.
I hope that comic will feature her regressing or shrinking!
I would love to see Mandy keep her dominance over Suzy for once. Suzy always finds a way to get back at her. But I think it would be awesome to see her attempt that but have Mandy 1 step ahead of her and become some kind of mini giantess or amazon
I like to see the Mom as a mini giantess too!
Yes, I like the Jakie’s mom here , she is so lovely , I want her 10 ft tall.
Personally I’m not a big fan of AR or Shrinking stories at all. I like the AP/GTS stuff. But I still get these comics in hopes there’s GTS growth of some kind.
But I think the main problem here is primarily the release dates. We go a month before a new comic gets released, and waiting for an entire month and not getting “exactly” what you were hoping for is very unsatisfying.
You’ve mentioned in earlier comments how the stories take a long time to create from start to finish (few months)
But you have multiple artists, and we only 1 comic per month? If you were able to structure your business model to release a new comic every 2 weeks, it would be far less disappointing to have waited just to get something that doesn’t appeal to someone.
Note: I said restructure to release 1 comic every 2 weeks, not sacrifice quality for quantity because that’s an even bigger disappointment.
I agree giantess and shrinking although i do like the increased assets in ap.
is the yard work ready to be release any time soon and does mom or Amy get shrunk in it
Jakie’s Mom looks really nice too, She can be perfect Mini Giantess too,I hope to see more of her at bigger sizes!
The blonde Mom here is perfect and lovely!