20 pages, Color, US$11.99
Age Regression, Transformation, Spanking
Artwork by Yuan
Lots more humiliation in store for little Ashley, plus more transformation as she gets fat! Lots of spanking too!
Story Summary: Ashley learns what it’s like to get fat! Already shrunk to a child, Ashley gets turned into a fattie. Lots of spanking and humiliation in store for the once-haughty blonde!
US$ 11.99
Artist’s Edition for US$ 13.99 Includes 60 pages of art!
Buy with a credit card on DeviantArt. Use this link to buy, the comic will be downloaded right away:
Didn’t really enjoy this one, would have loved to see her grow some more or maybe he would grow too
So Emma isnt growing in this chapter?
Okay then i wont buy it
Thank you
Good one! Didn’t see that coming, with Ashley plumping. Seems like a karmic happening, but wow that’s bad news for her!
Don’t like the way this story goes.
Hmm, fat transformation not really my thing, seems a bit like Okayokayokok’s transformation comics. Think I’ll give this chapter a miss.
Looking forward to the other stuff you have coming though.
Not that good!
I really hoped to see Emma grow or even turn into a fitness model
Any idea how much spanking is shown? And who gets it?
There will be a new comic this month
I didn’t like that chapter either. Emma should have been even bigger. In my eyes, you wasted a lot of potential and the story has a bad ending.
There will be a new comic in January. Maybe a cry baby comic with male regression.