Stanley tries to get Giantess Jeena’s attention.
Here are the latest comics in the works!
Kinky Kong Part Two features more great artwork by Bojay and lots of Giantess scenes. Jeena just keeps growing!
There are several other comics in the works, including some nice Age Regression and Female Growth comics. I’m working on a new one with Bojay that might be the best AR comic he’s ever done.
And I hear you loud and clear – more Yard Work!
Quindi dovro’ passare un Natale senza YARD WORK ?
Per favore, mi faccia un regalo
La mamma deve rimpiccolire un estraneo a dimenzioni micro
when will it come out
More Big Mom ,she is love,she is so sweet,she is the best, i want taller and bigger!
ti amo gigantessa mamma!
Any chance in some shrinking woman Suzy/Frank/ Marilyn comics soon?
I don’t have one in mind, but that’s a good idea – it’s been a while!
Might I suggest something along the lines of my email, with Suzy & Frank and Marilyn in a parody of the new Matt Damon film Downsizing?
Suzy & Frank don’t earn much, so trade it all in to downsize into a tiny doll village. Marilyn is a nurse at the shrinking/downsizing corporation, who takes a liking to the tiny couple, and kidnaps them, taking them home to play with!
Cute idea! Like the Auntie Serena’s Mini Vacation story.
Could we see a Betsy and Lauren comic where Betsy starts out younger and then grows older while Lauren becomes younger and smaller? Or a Suzy and Marilyn where Marilyn keeps Suzy as her shrunken pet? Or better yet where Mandy stays a sexy woman and teases them. It would be good to see the others win for once. Especially with Betsy and lauren
You’re right, that would be a nice twist -I’ll keep that in mind
I would love to see some “shrinking/ar mom” comics like puberty fairies, sex in a bottle or a growing attraction. Perhaps a continuation of “Little Joker” where Jackie tries to shrink Serena with the medicine, may be during sleep; but mom gets it. And I am sure a comic version of “A week at the beach” would be super hit.
I do have one in progress along those lines – stay tuned!
AR MOM! *-*
I want giantess and growing moms!
Yes , me too .
Dreamtales. I don’t think you get enough thanks for these awesome comics. So thank you for doing what you do
Thanks, that really made my day!