Kelly gets too much attention in the upcoming Wrong Sister comic.
Sorry, no new comics this month.
But several things are in the works including new chapters of Wrong Sister and a new Palcomix SM/AR/AP comic.
Also playing around with a new written (prose) story based on the Wrong Sister characters. It’s a simple AP role reversal story, that uses Artificial Intelligence (Chat GPT) to retell the story in various formats. IIf there’s interest I’ll post it for free later.
What new comics do you want to see? Let us know in the comments.
You would think after going two months with no new material, they would caught up. They use to more reliable.
Can’t wait! I always love your family SM, SW, and GTS. We’ve never really seen giant couple (or shrinking around a couple) from you. I also would love to see gender change or body swap.
Thanks, very nice ideas.
Would love to see another version of Yard Work, this time with Amy being more dominate, like intentionally shrinking people she doesnt like and messing with them. And seeing Mom go through some extreme breast growth would be awesome!
As far as new comics I would like to see go, I’d very much be interested in treading back into the world of The Big Splash, the potential there is quite substantial.
Thanks! That’s a favorite too.
Would love to see another Suzy & Marilyn shrinking woman comic. Something properly x-rated with girl on girl action (like Amy & Mom from Yard work). Maybe short Suzy and tall Marilyn go to college, and the size fairies get involved. They start as room mates, flirt together a bit, thrn Suzy is playing basketball and grows to 6ft, small Marilyn ends up dollsized. As they are room mates, Marilyn ends up climbing a naked Suzy in bed and they have some proper sexy interactions. Suzy could take Marilyn into the shower and use her like a sponge, rubbing her all over her wet naked body etc. Maybe the size fairies get horny watching and decide to get involved, shrinking Suzy to fairy size as well, and now all 4, 2 dollsized humans and 2 fairies are having an orgy in a dollhouse or something!!
Wow, that’s quite a scenario!
I’m personally partial to Minigiantess/Amazon Female AP growth, where a tiny undersized girl suddenly becomes a huge goddess. I don’t mind AP/shrinking as long as it’s balanced by the growth in a Role Reversal kind of story. I also don’t mind Male AP growth as long as it’s balanced by equal female AP growth-like in Flu Shots or High School Confidential.
What I’d really like to see are more chapters of Flu Shots. I’d love to see an “untold story” from Flu Shots Chapter Five where we get to see mom’s reaction when Madison, Amy and Micheal get back from the lake-and she’s stunned by her now nearly college age, HUGE children. Especially Micheal, now a 6’3′ strapping young man in his mid to late teens! I’d also love to see Micheal undergo one last growth spurt, making him a nearly 7 foot tall, hugely muscular and handsome 18 year old-and in keeping with the Regressing to the Mean theory, he quickly matures inside to match his body! His sisters also undergo one last spurt, making them into goddesses matching his hieght. The huge kids become quickly the talk of the town-and the target of college recruiters for sports!
I know I’ve said this time and again, but I’d still love to see “The Science Project” adapted into a comic (and perhaps using Betsy and Lauren as Gloria and Mollie, much as The Big Date and Beach Blanket Beauties used Suzy and Marilyn).
Beyond that, I’m really excited for this SM/AR comics you’re teasing.
Thanks, you’ve been very patient!
Heh, I’m patient. 😉
It’s just still my favorite of your SW stories (with “The Big Date” close behind it).
Would love to see something to do with Flu Shots. Maybe an alternate part 5 where Maddison doesn’t stop shrinking/ Maddison and Zoe don’t make up.
Would love to see more SW content. Ideally without AR so it can be the sexy kind. Make them micro, too! Really tiny!
I would love to see some midget size shrinking and sex scenes in SW works.
I’d like to see everyone control their transformations to some degree to do things they couldn’t do while they’re their normal selves. This could be with a potion, pill, or ray-gun of some sort.
For example Amy has a crush on her teacher, so she takes something to age herself up quickly into a bombshell to have her way with him (or her!).
Another example would be Mom to age herself down to a teenager to hang out with the cute guys at the local school.
They would be done in secret, so all of them would have a secret alter ego that they keep from one another. So in my example, Amy’s teacher has no idea she is the bombshell that he’s dating.
Also, the transformations would have an limited effect and would reverse at inconvenient moments (like in the middle of sex, or in front of other people).
Finally, the repeated use of whatever method that was used would eventually start triggering transformations spontaneously (without the need for said-object). For example, Amy’s overwhelming attraction to her teacher while alone with him triggers the change.
The idea is to create a sense of risk and excitement while trying to avoid from being caught. I haven’t seen anything like this in any of the stories I’ve seen (here or elsewhere).
This format offers a lot of flexible combinations (of different storylines, people, type of transformations), and could still allow the insertion of your existing popular themes of clothes ripping, spanking, embarrassment (like after they revert back and are naked), etc.
Those are really nice ideas. I like the risk aspect, and the double life / unaware approach. That could be a fun scenario!
Glad you liked them! It looks like another poster zerkajious below added a lot of details to my summaries, so it’s nice to see a shared enthusiasm for this concept. If you ever need more details regarding this, feel free to email me (assuming you can see my email on your side).
it would be great if you make a sequel to little joker. with Jackie growing up herself and some of her little friends with the ray gun. and finally getting her long awaited revenge against serena
That’d be good
Would love to see a Yard Work comics that just focuses on AR/AP. Like both Luke and Nicole regress into babies and Amy is taking care of them.
How about something totally new? I was thinking, maybe a take on Peter Pan, but with Wendy whonhas grown up, and is now 18yo, and fed up of Peter who is still a little boy. Wendy has urges and has been eyeing up Tinkerbell, the only other adult she knows. She confides in Tinkerbell, who is surprised, but also flattered and willing to help Wendy with her urges. The tiny fairy leads Wendy into the woods and goes tontown on her, using her wings to flutter against Wendy’s nipples, as well and climbing inside Wendy and giving her an earth shattering orgasm! Wendy returns the favour, giving Tink a good tongue lashing, licking her all over then bringing her to orgasm. Tink then uses her magic to shrink Wendy down to fairy size, so they can explore each other. Unknown tonthem, they are being watched from the bushes! End of chapter 1!
Chapter 2 picks up when 1 left off, Tina and Wendy going at it, the person watching in the bushes is an 18yo Tiger Lilly. She’s had a thing for Wendy for years, and now she has the perfect opportunity to act! She steps out of the bushes, and grabs Wendy and Tink. Tieing Tink up so she can’t use her magic, Tiger Lilly proceeds to have her way with tiny Wendy, kissing and licker her all over! Wendy initially scared starts to enjoy herself and starts to do everything she can to please the giant sexy Indian woman! At the end, Tink joins in too, both her and Wendy riding Tiger Lillys nipples. Tink then returns Wendy to normal size, but accidentally spills her fairy dust on herself, and starts to grow into a giantess…the end!
*Tink not Tina (damn auto correct)
Cool. That’s a very nice scenario.
I would love for Emily to follow through on her threat from Yard work Hawaii 4 and get revenge against mum. She shrinks mum and makes herself bigger. Amy is not around at the time and ends up having to save everyone from Emily. A fight between the giants Emily and Amy, which Amy wins.
A sequel to Amy sleepover where Amy and her Friends grow would be awesome, too. Amy grows to a Mini giantess while her Friends grow to adult size. All together tease logan and his friends who are now much smaller.
Also a sequel to little Joker where Jacky grows bigger than Selina would be awesome. I am also looking forward to the wrong sister sequel. I hope Kelly grows taller than her mum and becomes a mini giant. Amy is growing too but just can’t catch up with her little sister Kelly.
My favorite DreamTales story has always been “A Week at the Beach” (both original and long versions). How about a comic version of that? It would take several episodes to do it right. Generally, I’ve seen enough of the Big Sister-Little Sister role reversal, how about more Mom-Daughter? Such as in Sex in a Bottle (second favorite story).
Yes, that could be a nice comic! Don’t forget the Mom-Daughter scenarios in the later Little Joker comics.
Following on from my Tink/Adult Wendy idea above, a couple more TV show inspired ideas:
I dream of (tiny) Jeannie: Based on the TV show, but with a Genie that looks more like princess Jasmin from Aladdin. There’s an episode of the TV show where another Genie tricks Jeannie into shrinking into her bottle and traps her there, then proceeds to take her place. How about a comic where Jeannie has a sexy female master/mistress, and gets into all sorts of shrinking fun, maybe with a rival Genie?
Bewitched – comic where Samantha gets into sexy shrinking fun with a neighbour, or maybe a teenage Samantha at college shrinks around her dorm friends, and uses her magic to create mischief!
Or a Bewitched – Sabrina the Teenage Witch crossover! Something along the lines of Teenage Home breaker comic. 18yo Sabrina comes to stay with her divorced/single aunt Samantha, and both use their magic to have shrinking fun! Sabrina shrinks Samantha and puts her in a diaper and breastfeeds her, Samantha shrinks Sabrina and lets her climb her breasts like mountains or go cave diving inside her. They both shrink and go skinny dipping in a saucepan/tea cup or sunbathing on a windowsill or making out in a dollhouse!
@Dreamtales how about finally doing a comic version of A Visit to Aunt Millie’s?
Yes, another one that should be done, totally agree.
I like SL60442’s idea, Amy and Mom both wanting to enjoy something they can’t do normally. It would also be fun to see Amy grow bustier and curvier than Mom for a change I think, maybe quite a bit bustier than the ladies usually are? Split over a couple stories you could do something like
Chapter 1 – introducing characters, the pills, and their effects and time limits
Amy gets a new lady teacher, and finds her really pretty. During the introductions someone ask why she is called Miss and not Missus, and the teacher explains that she is looking for the right person. Meanwhile, Mom is out at the mall and notices all the college girls hanging out together and gets a little lonely. After picking up Amy and getting home Mom is on the computer and just so happens to find a site that sells pills to change your age. She selects a combo pack, one bottle to make you older and one to make you younger, and orders it. A few days pass, with Amy really crushing over her new teacher and Mom getting more and more impatient, and when they finally arrive Mom hurries to her room to try one, and it miraculously works, aging her down into a college girl, but a bit more curvaceous than the girls she had seen at the mall. In now oversized clothes she rushes off to the mall to buy new clothes, and shortly after she leaves Amy gets home. She says she forgot her books at school so she goes looking for Mom and ends up in Mom’s bedroom where she finds the bottle of pills to make you older. They work, and she quickly ages up into a bombshell, her new curves tearing out of her clothes. Amazed that they worked, she tries on Mom’s clothes to see if they fit, but they are a little tight on her, but will work for now as she decides to hurry back to school to see if her teacher is still there. Before she leaves she makes sure to hide the pills somewhere she knows Mom will never find them. Mom arrives at the mall and is about to go shopping when she is noticed by a group of college girls, who stop her from going into where Mom usually buys clothes from, and instead shows her where they buy clothes at, and she tries on a bunch of different clothes. Amy meanwhile manages to make it back to school in time as her teacher is leaving, so she stops her and introduces herself as Amy’s older sister, and tells her that “Amy” really likes her. The teacher finds bombshell Amy really hot, and flirts a little with her before finding out why she’s here, so Amy mentions the books she forgot and goes in and retrieves them, the teacher eyeing her up the entire time. Back in the mall, Mom starts to feel a little funny as she poses in the newest set of clothes, the college girls saying they look a little tight on her, causing Mom to realize the pill’s effect is wearing off. She retreats to her changing room, hidden from the college girls as she starts aging back up. They ask her if she’s okay and Mom lies, convincing them to head to the food court and she will meet them there. She changes back into her normal clothes after they leave and she pays for her new clothes, with the cashier confused that she looks older now. Back to Amy, she is talking more with the teacher as they exit the building, the teacher wanting to share phone numbers. Amy says she forgot her phone, and she just got a new number, but will remember the teacher’s, but notices that the teacher looks a little taller. Realizing that the pill is wearing off, she hurries back home, shrinking further and further and with Mom’s clothes becoming more and more baggy on her until she gets home, back to her normal age, just in time for Mom to get back home. Mom asks Amy why she is wearing her clothes, and Amy responds by asking why Mom has a bunch of new clothes.
Chapter 2 – Amy & Mom adventures with their new ages
Mom stands in the shower, holding the aging down bottle of pills in her hand and wondering where the aging up bottle of pills went. She decides to look for them when she gets back from the mall, and takes one of the pills. This time the effects of the pill are incredibly pleasurable, with Mom unable to hold back from playing with herself as she regresses down to a college girl. Once finished she exits the shower and admires her body in the mirror, before getting dressed in some of her new clothes and hurriedly leaving a note for Amy telling her that she will be back in a bit, as well as leaving a fair amount of cash, and then leaving. Amy was in her room texting with the teacher when she hears the car leaves and goes to investigate, finding the note and getting an idea. She asks the Teacher if she wants to go out, who responds yes, then excitedly takes the aging up pill. As with Mom, this is incredibly pleasurable, and Amy can’t resist playing with herself as she grows into a bombshell. She once again gets dressed in some of Mom’s adult clothes before the Teacher arrives. The Teacher arrives and sees my in the same outfit as before and asks her about it, so Amy says she doesn’t have many clothes right now, surprising the Teacher who says they should go to the mall and pick some up. Mom runs into the college girls from the previous chapter and they ask where she vanished last time, so Mom apologizes and says a family thing came up. They all end up going to the mall’s amusement park, and go on all sorts of rides and attractions. The girls get a little risque when they come to a ride with a long line, and decide to flash the staff member to get in. Mom is embarrassed but convinced to do so as well. They end up sitting with a bunch of college boys, and the two groups hook up, getting a little touchy feely before the ride ends. Mom is embarrassed at how much she enjoyed it as the ride ends, and the two groups decide to hook up for a group date at a nightclub this coming weekend. Amy and the Teacher arrive at the mall and they end up in a ladies fashion store Amy has never been in before. Amy doesn’t know what to get so the Teacher finds a bunch of stuff and they find an open changeroom. As Amy changes she struggles with the new clothes, so she asks the Teacher for help. The Teacher gets really touchy feely with Amy as Amy tries on different outfits, surprising Amy. Eventually the Teacher kisses Amy, before pulling away and apologizing, however Amy says it was okay and she enjoyed it. The Teacher asks Amy if she would like to go on a date this coming weekend, to which Amy agrees excitedly.
Chapter 3 – introducing accidental triggers
Mom is at a get together with the other local ladies at the mall and starts to feel a little bored. The college girls from before walk past and Mom almost says hello to them before stopping as the other ladies start to talk down about them. Mom gets a little upset by that and begins wishing she could be with the college girls having actual fun instead. She starts to feel funny, and one of the ladies points out her shirt looks a little big. Mom realizes she is starting to change without the aging down pill and rushes off to the washroom as she regresses. She manages to reach the washroom and runs into a stall, but soon finds her libido is going out of control, masturbating to climax as she finishes regressing. Just then the college girls walk in and are talking about how the ladies Mom was with were obviously judging them. Mom hurriedly gets dressed, but her clothes are quite loose on her, and exits. The college girls are surprised to see her, as she had to cancel their plans to go shopping for new outfits for the date night, as well as asking why she’s wearing old lady clothes. Mom comes up with an excuse for both, before joining them and going clothes shopping. The college girls really compliment Mom’s body as they touch and squeeze her while they try on different clothes, and Mom really starts to feel more at home. Meanwhile Amy is in school, daydreaming about the kiss she received from the teacher. She packed some of her new clothes in her backpack that morning so she could meet the Teacher after class. She feels her shirt get a little tighter and realizes that she is growing. She quickly rushes out of the classroom and to one of the girl’s washrooms and locks it behind her. She continues to grow up, tearing through her curves as her arousal grows. She soon gets too horny and can’t stop herself from masturbating, climaxing as she finishes growing. The lunch bell rings, meaning that her classroom will be empty and she can get her grown up clothes from her backpack. She waits a little bit before peeking out of the washroom, making sure the coast is clear before sneaking back to her class, which is thankfully empty. She quickly gets dressed, and just as she finishes her Teacher walks in. The Teacher is surprised to see bombshell Amy, and asks her why she is here. Amy lies that she(Amy) was picked up to go home sick by their Mom, but forgot her backpack so she(bombshell Amy) is just here to pick it up. The Teacher says she was actually just thinking about Amy, and pushes her up against the wall, kissing Amy. Amy is surprised at first before returning the kiss, and the pair make out for a little bit before a knock is heard at the door, causing the two to quickly separate. A student enters and asks the Teacher a question, so Amy excuses herself and hurries home, excited for the date on the weekend.
Chapter 4 – Amy & Mom NSFW adventures with their new ages
Mom and the college girls arrive at the nightclub and start to enjoy themselves as they wait for their dates to arrive. The boys arrive and soon the group is dancing and drinking, as well as getting a little physical on the dance floor. A little bit later one of the girls grabs Mom and pulls her away, explaining they got access to a vip room. They continue dancing and drinking for a little bit in the room before the boys and girls start pairing up and making out. Mom is a little shocked, but tipsy enough that she joins in and soon the room devolves into an orgy. Mom gets involved with both the boys and the girls, sometimes multiple at once. Meanwhile Amy and the Teacher walk into the same nightclub, and Amy is amazed at what she is seeing. The pair sit down at the bar and the Teacher orders a drink, Amy, not knowing what to do, orders the same drink. The Teacher continues to flirt with Amy as they finish a few drinks before she pulls Amy to the dance floor. Again, Amy doesn’t know what to do, which the Teacher finds incredibly cute, but eventually starts dancing with the Teacher. During the dancing the Teacher pulls Amy in for a kiss, before pulling away and asking Amy if she’d like to go back to her place. Amy agrees, and the pair grab their purses and rush out to get a taxi. They make out on the ride back to the Teacher’s place and barely make it inside her door before the Teacher starts stripping Amy’s clothes off. The pair continue to make out and unclothe each other as they make it to the Teacher’s bed, the Teacher pushing Amy onto the bed before going down on her, scissoring with her, ect.
Not good idea, Mom is really awesome character and she is the best, I like to see Mom bigger and thicker too, she made that series so lovely, I follow the series for Mom’s growing and domination.
Wow! You really nailed the concepts I was proposing above. Very, very sexy! Thank you! Combined with Dreamtales response, I’m hoping these types of stories will make their way into the mix.
I had one more scenario in mind that builds upon these concepts, but with a twist. A Jeckle and Hyde scenario, where Mom doesn’t remember what she did as her younger alter ego (like stealing Amy’s clothes and having sex with her daughter’s boyfriend/girlfriend). The only hint she has of her wild encounter, is that Mom wakes up the next morning in Amy’s ripped up clothes because she grew out of them after she aged up again. Eventually the memories come back over time, triggering more back and forth changes until the two personalities merge and she reveals her 2 selves to her lover.
I love some of your comic stories. I want to see yard work with mom getting younger and younger becoming into child/toddler age regression and then Luke and Amy taking care of mom when mom gets older from child/toddler to back to her normal age.
Disgusting idea!!
I like to see Mom become taller and thicker and super sexy and everyone treat her like a queen.
Oh no! Dreamtales might read this comment and make a story that appeals to someone else instead of fulfilling only your specific fetish! How disgusting!
Hey dreamtales! Remember back in Yard Work chapter 15 where as they were driving back home from the movies, Nicole talks to Luke about wanting her giantess growth fetish to come true and asks Luke to surprise her with a special gift for her Birthday Party the following week? It’s been years and we still don’t have the follow up story on that. Care to elaborate?
You know, you’re absolutely right! I will make a note to go back and look at that again.
I had a idea for a yard work comic if your interested to hear
So remember in yard work part 8 where mom shrank I had this idea for a story where mom wanting to spend more time with her son inisist on having a camping trip together unfortunately the two gey hit by the shrinking spray and now they have to survive the large wild from bugs until they can figure something out
I would love to see some kind of crossover between bikini contest and transformation u where the sorority girls travel to the beach and find a bikini contest and use the rays to become sexier and older and regress the competition
Would love a new SW comic. Amy has 3 of her friends over for a sleepover, but they start fighting over a guy they all want to date, which ends with them all blasting each other with shrunk serum. They shrink to various heights (2ft to 2 in), and Luke shows up with his friend (the crush they were fighting over). And they spank and harass the shrunk girls.
Ends with them all stuck tiny and catfighting with each other.