The Puberty Fairies arrive to save the day –or not?
This month has the next Wrong Sister chapter!
Wrong Sister Six features lots of size changing fun as the Puberty Fairies make an appearance!
Also working on a new chapter of Yard Work, so stay tuned!
When is this being released?
Presumed release date? I’m very excited and looking forward to the chapter.
I’ll try to get it out earlier this month!
Next weekend?:)
Is the only AR/AP?
Kelly is going to shrink? This should interesting to see.
Hopefully no shrinking and only regressing
Second. Dreamtales used to be the go-to place for the best in AR/AP. Regress someone to an infant already.
How much longer until this is released?
I’m trying to get it ready for this weekend!
great job, love you got back to reinvent some stories. i would be great if you do a little joker sequel witch jackie taking the main spot
Will Kelly regress? I’ not really interested otherwise.
Will Kelly regress? I’m only interested if that’s what is in the next chapter.
Hopefully age swap scene. Please..
Will this be released this week? Will Kelly regress?
Will it be released this week?
Will Kelly regress? I’m only interested if that’s what is in the next chapter.
Hoping for some good F/f SW shrinking scenes!
Hopefully it will be released today
Please tell me they switch roles next chapter
Really excited:)
When’s yard work out