Upcoming Comics August 4, 2024

Sexy Ashley and her fat dorky sister Emma in the Slimming Ray!

Thanks everyone for the success of the latest Yard Work comic! If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do.

Sorry no new comics this month, but here’s one coming soon:

The Slimming Ray: This is a brand new comic with new characters and a transformation / age regression theme. Lots of fun physical changes as the girls experiment with a slimming ray!

Still working on other comics include a new Wrong Sister chapter!

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9 thoughts on “Upcoming Comics

  1. Seth Smith

    This looks interesting but will the sexy sister gain weight? That’s not something I am interested in personally so I hope not.

  2. Vader

    You’re welcome.
    This new comic has my attention. Though I’d like to know more about what kind of transformations will be happening.
    A thought comes to mind. Will Emma slim down by all of her fat going into her breasts?

  3. Mrbubbles

    this looks fascinating. Good to finally see some AR. If you are short on inspiration it can be found with Simone and Malcolm collins. They have written The pragmatist guide to Sexuality. It is fascinating, and very inspiring

  4. Wiz01

    New concept? Very excited to see that! I want the fat sister to become tall and slender with sexy attributes too. More beautification comics!!

  5. William

    I like to see the Mom in Wrong Sister grow tall and thick, nothing is better than seeing a growing Mom in front of her family, I wish to see all Moms so tall and sexy and the biggest one everywhere.


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