Part Two of Bedroom Assignments is coming up this month!
Bedroom Assignments Two: More Age Regression and Age Progression fun! Kelly’s growth and Amy’s shrinking turns their relationship upside down.
This comic should be ready in the middle of the month. More comics are in the works too!
I hope Kelly grows into a towering, buxom 20 year old Amazon while Amy shrinks a BIT more, but not into an infant or anything ridiculous like that. If Kelly ages and grows to that size and physical age, Amy’ll be dwarfed to Kelly’s knees anyway. You’ve probably got Part 2 more or less written and drawn by now and it’s probably too late to make any significant changes anyway. I’d love to see people being awed by the goddess Kelly’s grown into-now more then a head taller then her mom-and it gives her enormous confidence as well as becoming as mature in psychology as her body is a la “Regressing To The Mean”. Kelly becomes not just physically a young adult, but psychologically one as well! As a result, Amy’s childish antics don’t bother her anymore-in fact, she kind of feels sorry for her. What shocks both of them is that Mike begins to withdraw from the towering, gorgeous Amy because her size intimidates him! When Kelly realizes this, she blows up at Mike, telling him he needs to “grow up and I don’t mean taller!” There-you get that for free. I’m too generous with my writing ideas……….lol Good story!
Hopefully Kelly will get even bigger. She’s growing out of Amy’s old clothes and getting bigger than mum.
Hope we see Amy regress to an infant. We haven’t had an AR to infancy in a while. And seeing as Kelly gets off of Amy regressing, it would be fitting to see it here.
I completely agree! This would definitely be a story where regression go infancy would most certainly work and be welcomed!