Auugghh! The website crashed! And the backups didn’t work!
I’m sure you’ve noticed that the website has been down for a while. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but basically what happened was that a WordPress update crashed the site and deleted a lot of the posts. I lost all the posts for the last five years! Unfortunately the backup plan didn’t work, and the secondary backup didn’t work either!
Not to worry, all the comic info is still there, but it will take some time to update all the missing posts. The comics posted over the past year are back up now.
Sorry for the hassle!
If you want to buy any of the missing comics over the last five years, please go to these pages.
Good to see you’re up and running again. Will there be any new posts this month?
Welcome back
Wow rough. Congrats on recovering your business!
This picture looks incredible. What is it from?
It’s from “The Big House,” an early comic with the Yard Work artist Yuan:
I think some of the links are broken. The sample illustrations for GTS Pub 1 & 2 show illustrations for Kinky Kong
When will you release a new comic?
Is anyone else having problems with there payment being processed?