Emily gets a big dose of Super-Gro!
19 pages, Color, US$9.99
Female Growth, Shrinking Woman, Mini Giantess, Female AR, Shrinking Men
Artwork by Yuan
This series shifts into high gear with all kinds of transformations –GTS, AP, AR, SW and more!
Story Summary: Nicole spills her Weed Shrinker into the pool, causing chaos among the sexy ladies and guys. Meanwhile little Emily cleans up the Super-Gro formula, getting a big dose herself. Lots of shrinking and growing fun!
US$ 9.99
Artist’s Edition for US$ 11.99 Includes 57 pages of art!
Buy with a credit card on DeviantArt. Use this link to buy, the comic will be sent usually within a day:
Oh, no scenes of mom in this part? I’m really disappointed and sad about buying this chapter 🙁
Don’t listen to this moron. This was a good chapter. Mom already grew this series, we don’t to see her grow for the 100th time. She is boring.
No, Mom is really sexy and attractive, I like to see more of her, she is the best!
Any spanking?
I don’t rate a rersponse?
Not in this chapter, but some nice shrinking women scenes. Hoping we’ll get some spanking humiliation in the next chapter!
Thank you. But I was hoping someone else might answer me. I saw others who posted after me received a response. Thank you though I appreciate you chiming in.
Hello, I am very interested in buying this comic, but I would like to know how much a dollar is worth in Argentine pesos
Looks like 181 pesos = $1.
A query, this is the final part, or is there a third part?
There are more parts coming.
So there will be more than a third part? That would be really nice
Hello, ok, I mean, a third part is missing, or the third part of this comic is going to be released at the end of the year
In line with previous releases, the 3rd chapter will be released around 15th February (either Sunday 12th or 19th) and if there’s a 4th chapter it’ll be around 15th March (again, either Sunday 12th or 19th), as 15th falls between those 2 dates.
A really good chapter. I liked that the focus was not on mum. Even though I missed Amy, the chapter was very good.
How Is Emily AP handled? I am interested in the comic
Another nice chapter! Feels like you’re getting your mojo back with the sexy shrinking! I enjoyed the shrinking bar scene, and the sexy SW/Luke play after (I think Luke is going to get a beating from the tiny guys he left in the pool!).
Would really like to see Emily humiliate Nicole & the shrunken counselor, maybe some spanking, or something! Also looking forward to what’s going to happen with Luke and his tiny SW passenger and Emily when she finds them! Maybe a sexy 3 way?
is there any chance that a crossover with Lauren & Betsy and Suzy & Marilyn age regression comic in the works? and awesome job on this one as well as always.
Ok, really hope there’s a part 3 after this truly awful second part. Hope there’s a lot more growing in it,too. Sorry,it just wasn’t very good! Honestly,the YW series is getting tired,as much as people like it. It’s just too predictable now to be fun. And when it IS surprising, it’s not in a good way.
Let a second bottle of the growth formula be found and fall into the pool while little Emily is enjoying her new age and size-and she comes back to find out she’s little again-but not because she shrank…………
Just my personal. You do whatever you like.
What is included in the Artist’s Edition?
I will wait for the next chapter and the sweet mom, mom is a hot queen and I can’t wait to see her again.
Not a big fan of the Luke/pool shrinking storyline, but the Emily,Nicole and counselor one was fantastic! I’m hoping Nicole goes to Amy for help. She confidently goes to confront her only to cower in fear after Emily grows and Amy is only eye-level with her breasts. I like how Emily intimidated both Nicole and the counselor even when she was still smaller than them. Hoping that Emily continues to taunt Nicole, the counselor and Amy more in the next one’s.
Hopefully Emily actually gets to grow without worry, and mom doesn’t come stop the fun for the hundredth time.
I found this pretty entertaining, Took a turn I wasn’t expecting but entertaining nonetheless. Luke’s interactions with the shrunken ladies was fun if a bit unexpected and Emily’s growth sequence was well done. Looks like we’re building to some mayhem for the next issue, Nicole might be able to get her payback on Emily and hopefully Amy and Mom can take part as well.
I found the whole thing really dissapointing, it feels like every story is on autopilot, the same elements and the same conclusion, no innovation or anything new.
Other than the last transformation and the shrinking women everything inbetween was a 0 to 1/10 and even the transformations were a 5 at best.
It’s really sad to see a once great creator being reduced to phoning it in for a quick 10 bucks.
I don’t expect this to get past Dreamtales as it looks like he only allows positive comments and censors negative ones, but if a mod sees this Dreamtales or not, I’m very dissapointed with my purchase, and I would honestly want a refund if available.
It may have taken some time to deliver but Yard Work: Hawaii Part 2 was well worth the wait. In recent years I have perceived a steady decline in the overall quality of both storytelling and artwork in commercial across the size-change and age-regression genres. This seems to be a natural consequence of competition for talented creators and the desire to create a product with a very broad appeal. You must maximize the number of units that you can sell to stay profitable.
Happily, this installment bucks that lamentable trend. It delivers a very enjoyable story and is very well illustrated throughout.
Nice work but I’ll wait for the majestic mom, I want to see her bigger and thicker and bustier, I’ll pay for her always, she is my goddess!!
Hoping for some long running content. I feel like everything is gonna be resolved in the next part. Would like to have some consequences.
Doesn’t even have to be anything major, just hope after yard Work Hawaii the characters aren’t just random sizes with everything before pretty much being forgotten.
@Dreamtales, just an additional comment, from my comment above, I think my only complaint/negative comment is on the inconsistencies in the weed shrunken and what it does to people. It age regressed Nicole, and the counsellor, but it shrank the bar pool girls and guys to doll size, while they retained adult bodies. This has been similar across other comics using the weed shrunken method – House Sitting has Suzy & Marilyn regress to children, then the 2nd dose shrank them to doll size. But the 2 girls who were taunting them, when they got a single dose regressed to babies.
That being said, I’d like to see Emily spank Nicole and the Counsellor in the next chapter, then maybe force them into the shrinking pool, so they shrink to doll size, then Emily can really torment & humiliate them!
Would also like to see the 3 shrunken women get some girl on girl action with a giantess, maybe Amy or the Mom, or another female hotel guest!
*weed shrinker
Damn auto correct! Wish we could edit comments after (posting)
Thanks, agree that the results are not consistent. It’s basically a “literary license” in order to create various kinds of transformations. I don’t think it makes the comics any less fun –do you?
The comic is a nice read. The shrinking ladies at the pool is a cool scene. An average Yard Work comic but it has some good shrinking women parts.
The only things I have a problem with is how the shrinking formula works. The inconsistency doesn’t make sense. Some shrink and others regress. Also, why didn’t Luke get affected by it? The shrunken women seemed to quick to “repay” Luke as well.
Refund please
I thought it was a great addition. We have a new protagonist in a big way and I hope she grows into her role more. It was lots of fun.
Let me start by saying I really like this chapter, and felt it was a lot of fun.
That said, there are a few things I thought could have been interesting, take this as possible feedback. I might be in the minority with this, but I would have found it pretty interesting and hot if when Luke swam over to the men shrinking in the pool in front of the women shrinking, that he ended up fucking one of the little guys in the ass. With Luke being so small, and them moments earlier being so big, I thought it would be sexy that as the women watch, Luke takes his now giant cock, and slowly puts it up one of the tiny dudes asses. I thought it was great that you could see their little cocks in the water, and I think as Luke enters one of them, that they get hard too, and they cum as he cums. With the women watching, judging the shrinking guy…he’d be so embarrassed and pathetic. I don’t know, it appealed to me.
Also I’d be into Luke fucking the woman in the black swimsuit who says she’s going to kick his butt before she shrinks too small. Again, with everyone else watching who moments earlier had seen Luke as a little pip squeak, but now he’s a giant, he can fuck all of them if he wants.
When do you think part 3 will come out?