Yard Work Part Twelve July 10, 2015

A giantess Mom turns the tables in her job interview in Yard Work Twelve.

A giantess Mom turns the tables in her job interview.

39 pages, Color, US$10.99
Giantess, Shrinking Women
Artwork by Yuan

Yard Work 12 is a big one for you Mom fans, an all-Mom episode where Mom gets a job!

In Part Twelve: Mom has a very unusual job interview, where her stress causes her to grow. Her Doctor tries to counteract it with a shrinking spray, but goes too far, so she shows up for her first day at work as a midget. Her bitchy boss Erika assigns her to a booth at a trade show where she’s competing with a pair of catty showroom models. Mom’s presentation takes off and soon she’s the biggest attraction. Lots more growth, and lots more shrinking ensue as Erica and the showroom models shrink!

Note: This is Part Twelve of a Multi-Part Series You can see the other parts of Yard Work here.
(The artist Yuan is the same artist that did the previous Yard Work comics.)

Sample illustrations

Regular Edition for US$ 10.99

Artist’s Edition for US$ 12.99
This comic is also offered in a Artist’s Edition that includes an additional 39 pages of original uncolored inked drawings that show the amazing detail of the original art.

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58 thoughts on “Yard Work Part Twelve

  1. Ed

    Great chapter really enjoyed it… I wish she could have grown bigger… maybe the daughter can grow way taller in some other chapter

  2. Anthony

    another great one for sure! i like the mix of giantess and sw. I will say for me that some of the parts that have came out are not the best then on the other hand u have a lot of great ones too. its a mix basket of greatness. I cant wait for the next one. Keep up the great work.

  3. Ed

    Maybe on another chapter we could see Amy struggling on school with some size changing action… growing during gym class becoming a giantess…

  4. gts

    very good , i love the mom and i want to see her more !
    but why she is small , this is so shit 🙁
    I want her biggest always not small !!

  5. m

    all was excellent except mom shrinking !
    I hope she stay that big ( in the end ) forever and she meet luke and amy with that size not small size , mom is the best and I love her so much !!

    1. kong

      mom has shrinked ? why ?
      it’s very disappointment for me , i want to see mom biggest and hottest always !
      i hope dreamtales don’t destroy this series because of don’t paying attention good to mom because i love mom too and i want her more and bigger .

  6. 142


  7. phoneix

    very nice job for mom !
    she must continue working with this size however is her boob and ass grow she will became the hotter , mom is amazing , thanks dreamrale 😉

  8. Otacon29

    Great work, however i must say that Amy has become the spoiled brat of the group, she makes fun of all the characters for there small size or pest them with her sexy body, stating she is the better. it would be nice in the near future for Amy to loose it all and go back to being a small kid, maybe even smaller to remind her of some humility. and i mean just just shrinking, no boobs, no butt, childish face, then everyone laugh at her.

      1. v00d00

        I’d love to see Amy shrunk by Nicole or the 2 girls from part 11! Would be good to see some SW girl on girl action/teasing/humiliation!

  9. mefirst

    hi dreamtales, now that you have satisfied mum’s fans, I suggest you to bring back the real story, about sexy and big Amy teasing small Luke, along with Nicole and the 2 nice and sexy girls of the part 11! again with spanking and maybe forced crossdressing, it will be awesome!! thanks again, and good work

    1. sososte

      I 100% agree, that would be a great comic. Luke should enjoy being the size of an eight year old ,amy should take him shopping for kids clothes, and he should meet some more of amy’s friends.

      1. Scooch

        I would love for Nicole and Amy (Maybe even mom) to take Luke shopping maybe have him shrinking even more during the process from a normal 8 yr old to a size of a 3 yr old and have the girls take him to children departments and then they have to go to adult lingerie area. Then to end the chapter Luke now has to sit in a child car seat and Mom teaches Amy how to drive the car home they are then greeted when they get home to Amy’s friends who swoon over seeing luke in the car seat to further humiliate Luke.

  10. Tomy

    i’m with mefirst said. I will love to see sexy and big Amy growing and teasing small Luke!!! and Nicole of course!

  11. kong

    please more mom in next part , i want to see face of amy and luke when they see their giantess mom with new height !
    and please never shrink her again , i want to see her growth in all ways , thanks !

  12. Kaldy

    Dreamtales, as ever you’re producing great work!

    It’s great to see people so enthusiastic about this series, though a little annoying to see the same couple of people responding under different names – but using the same errors with their text syntax to identify them – to make it seem that there are only “mom” fans out there. Rest assured there are plenty of Nicole and Amy fans too!

    Personally, as a massive fan of your works, I’d love to see something from Part 5 of “A Little Game of Hide and Seek” come in soon with Amy and Luke. We’ve already gone there with the Mom character in part 10, although it could go a different direction by making it more aware (e.g. Amy and Nicole go out to a bar together, Amy drinks for first time, and they decide to have a little fun when they get back, and Luke gets involved)

    …or something like that anyway! Your ideas are always better than anyone else’s.

    The mom storylines are great too, don’t get me wrong – I’ve loved every issue of this series – but please don’t forget about the other characters, and I think we could take Amy further at this stage!

    1. kong

      hey shit man how you judge people easily ?
      you are really stupid man , you can’t see mom’s fan , why ?

      1. Star33

        Lets not resort to name calling please. Everyone has their opinion and no ones is more valid than the other. As they mentioned they are fans of Mom as I am but some variance would keep the content fresh and keep all the other fans of which I am part of as well involved and excited about new content. I am not a fan of every fetish on this site but due to the high quality of the artistry I have pretty much bought every comic Dreamtales has produced. I agree with Kaldy and think Nicole needs a turn in the lime light. But Dreamtales is the director and so far I cannot complain the work has been creative and the stories are cute and continue to entertain. Keep up the great work.

        1. m

          but i’m not agree !
          by this way this comic turn into an ordinary comics like others and it will die , remember my words when it happened .

    2. kong

      hey i’m disagree with you , how you type your words without thinking ?!
      there are many stories about brothers-sisters or boys and his girlfriends and … but this is the first story which pay attention to moms , so if you want to destroy this comic and turn it to normal comic and it get forget later , do it !
      i don’t know why everyone try to hurt the moms just because they want everything for themself and they don’t like their moms too !
      dear dreamtales please pay enough attention to mom as much as moms are deserved for attentions and caring and don’t let this people break down mom’s place .
      this comic is unique because mom is new in it and she made it special , i hope everyone understand it .

      1. Kaldy

        Dear kong, m and rod (at least two of whom are the same person),

        I really do admire your passion, but you have to stop being so rude to other people when they express an opinion. I think some of it may be a language barrier and unintended, but some of it – such as your original reply – is blatant and unwarranted.

        I understand what you’re saying about mom characters not being major parts of most comics,, and if you re-read my original comment I did say I think the mom storylines are great. However, I believe what sets this comic apart from others is not a simple character, but Dreamtales’ literary style and ideas, of which I’ve been a fan for fifteen years. I also agree that boyfriend/girlfriend is an oft-used device in GTS comics, but brother-sister is less so and deserves as much attention.

        Your quote of people who “want everything for themsel(ves)” is a little hypocritical due to your repeated spamming of these boards to try to get your own way in every nee issue, and your constantly berating any opinion that differs from your own. Please bear in mind that this comic caters for other people too.

        I respected your opinion that you like to see mom as the biggest character – though I deplore the spamming tactic used in repeatedly expressing this – and all I ask in return is that you stop attacking others.

        If Dreamtales comes out and says “actually, the mom chapters sell three times as well as the non-mom issues”, then fair enough, there should be more mom chapters. I suspect however that all the chapters sell pretty well, and probably pretty equally too.

        As we’ve just had a mom chapter, all I’m saying is I think it would be nice to have a non-mom one next time focussing on Amy, hopefully both interacting with Luke in a way not yet seen (possibly involving Nicole too), then get back to Mom next time.

        You can’t say fairer than that!

          1. kong

            i’m sorry 🙁
            i get emotional because kaldy is making me angry by his stupid words , he talks without thinking and he think he is right and all others are wrong !
            delete my bad words dreamtales , i’m sorry !
            and please warn to him too please , thanks

  13. Arun

    Very much agree with Kaldy above. Never been a “Mom” fan, but love other parts of the story. A few seem to spam for the Mom, but I’m hoping you return to Amy, Nicole, Luke, etc. and love the “Hide and Seek” idea.

    I do appreciate you letting us know this chapter was all Mom so I could avoid buying this one.

  14. Alexis32

    Excellent chapter.
    Good combination. Growth and shrink.
    Mom is a hot mini gts.
    I hope to see Amy growing a lot next.

  15. Garrick

    It was good while i’m glad that karma caught up to those women I feel like they should get better endings like maybe the boss lady meets with look and tells her that he knows what it is like to be small maybe there could also be a love scene and those other two girls that shrunk could end up with nicole

  16. reddiv

    This issue was awesome, and this is from somebody who absolutely hates shrunken women. Well, mostly because Mom is my favorite character. So yeah, I hated seeing her shrinking, but her comeback to giantessdom at the end saved it.

    Hey, I was thinking, maybe for future storylines with her, could you give her a love interest? Maybe Luke and Amy could sign her up on a dating website of men that look for tall women, and maybe that guy would end up “accidentally” getting sprayed with weed shrinker 😉

      1. v00d00

        In hoping for a new Rebecca comic! College Bound and Teenage Home Breaker were incredible! So sexy and kinky! Or a sequel to either of those would be amazing! A follow on to College Bound detailing the fun the daughter and shrunken mom have together at college, maybe with the daughters room mates would be great! Or a follow on to Teenage Home Breaker where the sexy niece is having fun with the shrunken wife & husband (her aunt & uncle) maybe shrunk smaller, and maybe some of her girlfriends!

  17. mike

    Id love to see a fight/contest for Luke attention between Nicole, Bethany and Kaitlyn. Where as it progresses Bethany and Kaitlyn AP a little more and Nicole actually AR to about where they use to be as kids, losing her chest and bum. When luke being the guy he is chooses Bethany and Kaitlyn , Nicole get crushed and leaves crying but see’s the supergro , “Scene shift back to the girls” Bethany and Kaitlyn then realize they are way to hot for him now , when some older guys hit on them and leave luke making some kinda joke about him being a little kid. Then when luke tries to go back and apologise to Nicole , he sees her and as he apologises she AP’s to to a perfect voluptuos beauty , her attitude can go either wy by that point lol


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