Comic Con Part One August 18, 2016

A shrunken Thor has a talk with his giant girlfriend.

32 pages, Color, $9.99
Giantess, Shrinking Men
Artwork by Bojay

A fun Giantess / Shrinking Men comic featuring  sexy cosplay ladies at the comic convention. Art by Bojay with colors by the Pepper Pair.

Story Summary: After an overbearing Thor misbehaves with two sexy cosplay ladies, Zatanna casts a shrinking spell on him. In a great sequence, Thor shrinks out of his uniform and has a humiliating reunion with his hot girlfriend dressed as Wonder Woman.
Note: Part One is primarily Shrinking Man oriented, but there are many Giantess style scenes. Part Two will feature lots of actual Giantess and Shrinking Women scenes.

The Bojay art is incredibly detailed, enhanced by a wonderful coloring job by the Pepper Pair. There are 32 pages total – 25 multi-panel color pages plus 7 pages of ideas and concept sketches by Bojay.

This is the first part of a two part comic.

Sample illustrations

Regular Edition for US$ 9.99

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Artist’s Edition for US$ 11.99
This comic is also offered in a Artist’s Edition that includes an additional 25 pages of original uncolored inked drawings that show the amazing detail of Bojay’s original art.

Buy on Selz:

The comic is also for sale at the .

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12 thoughts on “Comic Con Part One

  1. Andres

    This was a great beginning to this comic series. Love Bojay’s work and can’t wait for Part 2! Any idea when it should be out?


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