Crybaby Marilyn October 16, 2011

Marilyn shrinks to a teenager in Crybaby Marilyn.

37 pages, Color, US$9.99
Age Regression
Artwork by PalComix

More Suzy and Marilyn Age Regression fun as Marilyn experiments with a youth ray. The comic is inspired by the classic Lois Lane AR comic “The Crybaby of Metropolis,” and features Marilyn slowly regressing to a teenager, adolescent, child, baby, and then…?

Plot Synopsis: Frank is hosting a special exhibition of inventions, and Marilyn and Suzy are invited. Marilyn tries out a youth ray to get rid of her grey hairs in a bid to steal Frank from Suzy. And as Marilyn gets younger and younger, Suzy is looking less like her rival and more like her big sister – or her mother! [Note: This comic features an unbirthing scene.]

Sample illustrations


This comic is also part of the Suzy and Marilyn AR Pack.

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14 thoughts on “Crybaby Marilyn

  1. ForeShadow

    It was good, but I liked your original take on the CRYBABY OF METROPOLIS a lot more. I feel this lacked the aspect of rivalry and humliation that, and most of your other works, have, which is the most appealing aspect of this genre to me personally. The ‘re-birthing’ was great though! Very creative.

    Perhaps a sequel, CRYBABY SUZY? I’d love to see Bojay tackle that. ^_~

    1. dreamtales Post author

      Thanks for the comments, and good points about the humiliation aspect. I thought Marilyn was pretty thoroughly humiliated in this one, though.

      I have been talking with Bojay about doing another Crybaby sequel. Seems we think alike!

  2. v00d00

    Another great Dreamtales/PalComix collaboration! Really liked it all the way up to Marilyn regressing to toddler and then the rebirthing, bit weird for me!

    I do love the Suzy & Frank & Marilyn comics, and would really really really love to see another SW edition! Especially a sequal to Marilyn’s New Dress, as at the end of that they end up different sizes. Would be cool to see the story continue!


  3. ARCommando24

    I highly enjoyed your work, I thought it was not only beautifully drawn but the storytelling, humor and regression sequences were especially done well (and I wish that you would do A Week at the Beach from!

  4. Steven

    I loved this comic. It would be nice to have a sequel where we have Marilyn is having to grow up under Suzy parentage. When she reaches around kindergarten age, she tricks her new mother into the youth ray and gets a little sister to dominate with Frank as their daddy.

  5. jv

    I agree with steven but my other idea is based on superman’s girlfriend lois lane #42 with frank, suzy and marilyn all get age regressed with their emotions affecting them with each age they regress to.

  6. Sean

    i loved this comic book, and the few others i have bought. unfortunatly i had the terrible misfortune of both dropping my laptop onto a tiled floor in my kitchen and when i went to grab it with my other hand (yes i stupidly held it one handed that day) i poured a pint of water over it as i was actually holding a glass in my other hand. when it got repaired, it came back with a blank hard drive. 🙁 lotta money wasted. is there any way of reclaiming what i bought? or is it gone forever?

    1. dreamtales Post author

      Thanks, glad you liked it!

      Yes, I’ve already sent you replacement copies of your comics (anyone who buys my comics is entitled to a free replacement copy). Sorry to hear about your computer.

  7. Santiago

    One thing i never understood, how did Marilyn shrinking into Suzy’s hand cause Suzy to be pregnant with Marilyn?

  8. Doctor General

    Hello dream stories, I would like to know if it is possible to see a continuation of this fun comic, maybe see Suzy become a baby and Marly become an adult again after living a few months as a baby with Frank and Suzy, This comic has a lot of potential


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