Wrong Sister Six December 8, 2023

Kelly finds out what it’s like to be the skinny one!

19 pages, Color, US$10.99
Age Regression, Age Progression
Artwork by Yuan

Age swap! Kelly regresses and Amy grows!

Story Summary: The Puberty Fairies make Amy bigger and Kelly smaller, much to Kelly’s embarrassment. Once-sexy Kelly learns what it’s like to be skinny and short –while little Amy just keeps growing!

Note: This is Part Two of a Three Part Series. You can see the original Wrong Sister comic here.

Sample illustrations

Regular Edition for US$ 10.99

Artist’s Edition for US$ 12.99
This Artist’s Edition  includes (1) 19 pages of original sketch drawings plus (2) 19 pages of uncolored inked drawings that show the amazing detail of the original art. Get 57 total pages of great art! 

Buy with a credit card on DeviantArt. Use this link to buy, the comic will be downloaded right away:

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14 thoughts on “Wrong Sister Six

  1. Seth Ross

    Finally some good AR/AP! It’s been like 2 years since we got anything good. This is definitely one of the best you’ve done. Hopefully we don’t have to wait 2 more years.

  2. Chris

    I was really looking forward to this chapter and I wasn’t disappointed. A great chapter! I like the ending the best. Hopefully Amy will get even bigger and sexier in the next chapter. Kelly should continue to shrink before the puberty fairies come to fix her mistake. They make Kelly big and sexy again, but instead of shrinking Amy again, they accidentally shrink Rob.

  3. Brian

    This is much better than what you’ve been putting out recently. This is definitely among your best. You used to put out stories more like this and they were much better. Other than Falling Leaves and 12 going on 21 I haven’t liked what you’ve put out recently. I hope we get more like this because this was perfect. I was really interested to see how this played out and it exceeded my expectations. I hope I’m not being too harsh, but that’s how I feel.

    This series reboot is great though. More of this please!

  4. Seth Ross

    I hope those bitchy girls get taken down a peg or two in chapter 3. Also can’t wait to see how Kelly deals with her new status.

    When will the next chapter release?

  5. Jjsimin

    I like that finally Kelly and Amy look their ages. Good for Kelly after all these years. Do you think it’s possible we could see that boyfriend that she got at the end of the original wrong sister story?

  6. House gnome

    Great story, my only critique is that in a lot of the age progressions you never seem to have their hairstyles change , would love to have a age progression with this added like going from pig tails to stylized long hair as an example. At the very least just a change in length be nice to add to the whole effect of age progression.


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