Yard Work Hawaii One December 9, 2022

Mom grows as she scolds Amy!

23 pages, Color, US$10.99
Female Growth, Shrinking Men,  Mini Giantess, Female AR
Artwork by Yuan

Yard Work is back! This comics takes off from Yard Work 16, but is a separate story in itself.

Luke, Mom, Amy and Nicole check into a resort hotel in Hawaii. The sexy stewardesses from Yard Work 16 are there as well. Lots of growing and shrinking fun, with Luke and Amy battling it out. Includes age regression, and spanking –plus some big Mom growth scenes!

Sample illustrations

US$ 10.99

Artist’s Edition for US$ 12.99 Includes 69 pages of art!

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27 thoughts on “Yard Work Hawaii One

  1. CB

    This was a lot of fun! I was hoping to see the gang at a beach someday and this issue is already delivering! The antics with Luke and Amy are entertaining as always, It’s great to see Nicole go the extra mile for Luke and the Mom scenes were satisfying as always. Can’t wait to see more. Out of curiosity, How many parts will this story have?

      1. TP

        I had this cute idea for a yard work comic where luke and his mom and up shrunken and the two have to survive the outdoors while figuring out how to be but again

  2. Christian

    Nice comic. I hope Luke accidentally gives Amy the antidote. He thinks it is the shrinking water and mixes it into Amy’s drink. Amy becomes as big or even bigger than mom

  3. david

    Awesome chapter, really lovely and great scenes of Mom, she is a majestic and adorable woman, and I wish to see more of her in the next, her body is skinny, make her thicker please, and let her boobs and butt size grow a lot bigger, she is the queen, I love her so much and I can’t wait to see her even bigger and sexier in the next parts!

  4. V00d00

    Really hoping Emily has some rivalry with Nicole, maybe some fighting over Luke, them Emily gets the antidote and grows bigger than Nicole, and spanks her! That would be great to see!

  5. William

    This was a great comic after a long time, Mom’s size is perfect, however, I prefer her body more voluminous and I hope that happens for her while she grows taller, she is the best!

    1. dreamtales Post author

      Paypal has a credit card option, if you click on the link it will come up.

      Unfortunately Selz went out of business and Stripe is no longer accepting payments. Let us know if you can think of another alternative?

  6. kong

    Excellent comic, everything is lovely, especially Mom’s scenes are lovely always, she is a very nice and wonderful character, and I’m waiting to see more of her, I want her thicker too, she is a perfect woman and the best in this series.
    Also, some pages have low quality!

  7. Aaaa

    It’s a great story, but it was actually a little hard to wait too long for the first episode to be released. Is it going well so that the next episode can come out in January?

  8. Vader

    A decent story. Almost funny in how Luke was acting like a kid unintentionally. The art is still solid. All the ladies look good. Best part is mom not even realizing she is suffocating Luke in her breasts.

  9. dani

    I love this series, Mom’s growing is so hot, and her size difference with Amy is perfect, I want Amy under Mom’s boobs forever, I mean Mom should be huge and sexy for her normal height, and Mom’s normal height should be at least 8ft tall while Amy is 6’6” ft and Nicole about 5’6” and luke under 4 ft tall and Mom should have huge boobs and butt size and thick body, always! This will make perfect sexy family scenes on each page. Thank you!!

  10. Marco

    Oo didn’t expect age regression from Nicole. Though the kids in this look more like skinny, small adults. They should have more features like bigger heads and eyes compared to adults, plus chubbier cheeks and bodies.

    Hooe to see more ArAp from Nicole and Emily. We could see Nicole be shrunk even smaller to the point where Luke loses interest with her, Emily could drink all the antidote and trap nicole as a kid. Or luke could even get the antidote, finally returning to adult size and hitting on all the women from before, only for Emily and Nicole to shrink him even smaller than them in revenge. Lots of potential.

  11. Vader

    Just been thinking about this comic some more. Could go into complete chaos as mom shrinks herself back to normal size but the pool water gets contaminated by it. Then it’s Mom to the rescue as everyone shrinks. At the end Amy pats Mom on the back for a job well done. Knocking Luke from her shoulder and into her cleavage.

  12. qzar

    Now, this is the perfect mom, moms should be so huge and sexy anytime!
    If the mom’s normal size becomes 10ft tall and Amy 6’6” and nicole 6ft and luke 4ft tall, we will have a perfect family, also mom should have much bigger boobs and butt and hip size, she is an angle and she should be the biggest and the hottest forever! Thanks!


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