Yard Work Nicole’s Birthday May 17, 2024

Luke gets in big trouble with his little sister!

20 pages, Color, US$10.99
Mini Giantess, Female Growth, Shrinking Men
Artwork by Yuan

Luke’s surprise for Nicole’s birthday goes wrong. Featuring Luke and Amy in a battle royale!

Story Summary: Luke, Amy and the gang are finally back to normal size, but there’s one problem: the ladies grow when they get aroused! Meanwhile Luke tries to give Nicole a birthday surprise, but ends up in the wrong panties.

Sample illustrations

US$ 10.99

Artist’s Edition for US$ 12.99 Includes 60 pages of art!

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20 thoughts on “Yard Work Nicole’s Birthday

      1. Brian

        wow I didn’t think it was that long ago. When did you start this comic….

        ok. I just looked. And I don’t think it’s realize it had been this long but I found emails purchasing the comic back in 2013. I don’t think I realize how much time had gone by.

  1. CB

    Here’s to the start of another exciting Yard Work story! This one is already real fun with Luke and Amy going at it in a way we haven’t seen in a while. Looking forward to the rest! Just wondering, how many parts should this story have?

    1. v00d00

      Great to see “adult situations” back! The spanking/shrinking scene was hot! And nice to see a little bit of giantess foot action from mom/Nicole! The in bikini bottom fun was great to see – need more “adult” situations like this! Can’t wait for chapter 2! Hope to see Luke having more fun with all 3 ladies!

  2. Chris

    The chapter was worth the long wait. I can hardly wait for Part 2 now. Hopefully it will come straight away in June. I hope Amy becomes a giantess before Luke realizes he’s not pleasing Nicole. Nicole should grow too, but stays smaller than Amy. Amy will hopefully be the biggest in the end.

  3. Ittybittyman

    Would love to see a couples scene where the growing/aroused amy grabs that guy and has sex with him while Luke gets caught between

    1. Bailey

      That sounds cool. I would also love to see growth during sex. Maybe as she grows the guy gets a little smaller.

  4. Bailey

    I really loved this one. The growth was amazing and was super hot. I can’t wait for the next one. Hopefully Nicole will grow too for her birthday in the next one.

  5. Steee

    Nice work, but every time it starts again and we pay the first chapter with a few scenes and less contents. 20 pages for 11 USD, think about that. Nothing happened in this chapter, but it bodes well, perhaps.

  6. Vader

    This was pretty good. Looking forward to the next part. Nicole and Amy look great in their bikinis.

    Luke’s size does seem a little inconstant at times.

  7. dani

    Nice but the comic was too short, also I wish to see Mom’s growing and expanding, I want to see her so huge and sexy and tall and thick.

  8. Bailey

    I can’t get over how good this issue was and I’m pretty excited for what comes next if you plan to continue this story. I am hoping for 2 things. It would be awesome if Amy had her way with that annoying guy and grew while shrinking him down and for Nicole to have some growing fun and sex.

  9. BrianDVD

    The thing I find most surprising is that after finally getting back to his normal size, that Luke was so willing to go throw it all away and shrink himself again.

    1. Jay Quincy

      Yeah, especially with how his sister does him when he’s smaller than her. I look forward to the growth though. I wonder if there is going to be a size comparison chart with what there normal sizes are and their current sizes.

  10. Jay Quincy

    I wish I would have known there was more than one part to this, I probably would have waited. I hate the suspense of a cliff hanger, but it was pretty good. I liked to see a reverse though like Luke would get his revenge against Amy by shrinking her. In the end he would feel bad and grow her back something like that. But How many parts are there to this?

  11. William

    I want to see the Mom, at least 10 feet tall and thick and sexy for her normal size, she should be huge and sexy and the biggest always, she is a queen, can’t wait to see her growth and expansion.


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